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Change wallpaper font size

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I tried a few search variations, but can't find an answer...
I would like to rearrange the information on the wallpaper screen; Title - Artist - Album. 
I would prefer that the title info be larger, artist smaller. I can live with the size of the album font.
In particular I want to reduce the size of the obnoxiously HUGE countdown timer or eliminate it entirely.

Is there some parameter / config file I can tweak to make this happen, or is it hard coded?


12-09-2024 04:45
As it turns out, I asked a version of this question over a year ago (9/23).
Is anybody there? Does anybody care?
12-09-2024 04:53
The answer from Rick is, "Unfortunately there’s no way to adjust the font size."

OK, then... Consider this a Feature Request.
     Title (largest font, about the size of the current Artist font. Wrap instead of scroll would be a plus)
     Artist (about half the size of Title, about the size of the current Title font)
     Album (slightly smaller than Artist, or about the same size as current Album font))
And make the obnoxiously large countdown timer much smaller or get rid of it completely. I doubt anyone would miss it.

01-16-2025 17:17
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